MINISTRIES (we need your help to spread the gospel)  

Sergei Timokin  Ministries include book publishing, audio, radio programs, TV, Video, music recording, crusades, church, world music recording, concerts, church planting and  PPP (Prayer&Praise&Proclamation)

Captain Of Our FaithBible revelation of God’s strong faith and man’s weak faith.  

Point Of Faith Contact— material objects that God use to release  miracles .


Television\ Òåëåâèäåíèå

 Pastor Sergei Timokin worked for TBN for5 years in Russia.  Several times he was invited to speak in USA  at “Praise The Lord” with Paul Crouch.

Sergei  makes Gospel programs. We  start our own Television.



Our vision is  to labor 100 churches in 100 cities of the former USSR toward 2020. People get saved in our church, grow up, leave us and pastor churches. One of them started 20 other churches  in Moldova! We committed to make this process organized to be in the RED REVIVAL Movement of the last days.

God uses Pastor Sergei mightily in public meeting in Crusades to heal, deliver and save people of Russia.  People hear the Word in Russian and open their heart to act in faith. They see local minister and develop their trust in the Lord.                                                                                                

For several years daily programs were aired live on a Russian Christian radio for 20 mln people. Now there is even much more potential Radio stations to spread the Gospel in the former USSR.  Pastor Sergei’s  voice is well known by his programs.  Help, please, to go on!                                                                                                                         


Sergei Timokin’s  new books\íîâûå êíèãè       (Russian)

Russian Crusade\ Ïóáëè÷íûå ïðîïîâåäè

Church Planting\     ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèå ëèäåðîâ

Radio\ Ðàäèî                                                        

eZuZ is a new stage name for Sergei Timokin. He just has released a single “Easter Dance” and “White Nights” for the world youth to enjoy dancing with the resurrected Christ.

World Music Outreach is a vision of Sergei Timokin.

His first band “The Trumpet Call” became #1 underground band in the USSR Nation.

Cowboy Church    (more)